GHN News…

29 October 2024

The Gay Health Network (GHN) wishes to appoint an Administration Manager

This post is key to providing administrative support and communication to the GHN board, network membership, and the Communications Director.  Responsibilities include providing administrative support, facilitating networking processes, organising two to three information-sharing meetings annually, and coordinating the annual Gay Health Forum event.

The post also involves assisting with corporate governance compliance and basic bookkeeping including; maintaining ledgers, tracking budget allocation and spending, preparing financial reports and liaising with external auditors.

Deadline 5 pm, Friday 22 November.

14 October 2024

The Gay Health Network (GHN) has released a statement on Gender Affirming Care Services in Ireland.

The Gay Health Network (GHN), representing a network of Irish organisations and individuals with expertise in the physical, sexual and mental health of the LGBTQ+ community in Ireland welcomes the Government’s intention to review and overhaul the current model of gender-affirming care in Ireland. This review is badly needed to address Ireland’s consistent ranking as among the worst in Europe for access to gender-affirming care.

6 September 2024

The Gay Health Network has written to Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly with regard Gender Affirming Care Services in Ireland

The Gay Health Network has written to Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly with regard Gender Affirming Care Services in Ireland.

Ireland consistently ranks among the worst in Europe for access to gender-affirming care, creating a substantial barrier to the health and well-being of transgender and non-binary people. We acknowledge the urgent need to improve access to appropriate healthcare for those experiencing gender dysphoria.


10 August 2023

20th Annual Gay Health Forum (GHF 2023) Unveils Keynote Speakers and Expert Panel on Sexual Health Futures

World AIDS Day 01 December 2022

Open letter to Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly on World Aids Day 2022

The Gay Health Network has written to Minister Stephen Donnelly TD with regard to PrEP and the barriers to access and funding of Sexual Health Services


15 September 2022

Launch of GHN  ‘Summary of Actions 2021’

15 September 2022


On Saturday 17th, September at the Gay Health Network (GHN) AGM in Outhouse Dublin 1,  GHN will launch the ‘Summary of Actions 2021’ on the 27th year since our formation’. 

Open Letter to Minister of Health, Stephen Donnelly.

02 September 2022


Gay Health Network (GHN) has written to Minister Donnelly regarding the monkeypox vaccine, transparency, vaccine equity and financial support for those isolating 

P R E S S  R E L E A S E

8 August 2022


Gay Health Network (GHN) calls on the Irish Government to urgently speed up the monkeypox vaccine acquisition and ensure the roll-out is inclusive, equitable, ethical and transparent.

Gay Health Network (GHN) calls on people to show their support and solidarity with the LGBTQI+ communities by joining in their local vigil taking place throughout Easter weekend.

Gay Health Network (GHN) calls on the Irish Government to urgently enact legislation to prohibit Conversion Therapy.

Press Release Irish AIDS Day 2021 : Launch of new Mental Health Pages at

GHN seeks new board members

Niall Sweeney Presentation to GHN 25

GHN 25 webinar Video

GHN 25 presentation videoProtecting Man2Man 2012

GHN 25 Presentation Peter Keogh


Presentation GHN 25


Presentation CR VOL2 EMIS 2017

Maeve O’Brien SHCPP HSE GHN 25 presentation slides

GHN Statement to HSE re ongoing GMHS Closure – October 2020. Click on image for full statement.

Sex and Coronavirus (COVID-19) Poster

GHN Newsletter May 2020

POSTER – COVID-19 and SEX GHN 30th March 2020

Poster Portuguese GHN COVID19 and SEX for MSM

Poster Spanish GHN COVID19 and SEX for MSM

Poster French GHN COVID19 and SEX for MSM

PRESS RELEASE – COVID-19 and SEX GHN 30th March 2020

Gay Health Network Statement on National Drug Strategy 2017 – 2025

The Gay Health Network (GHN) welcomes the National Drug Strategy, the first of its kind to specifically mention the need for targeted harm-reduction, education and prevention measures that are tailored towards the LGBTI community. 


GHN particularly welcomes the commitment to improve the capacity of services to accommodate the needs of drug users from specific communities, of which LGBTI people are included. 


The strategy includes an action point for the need to provide addiction supports in non-traditional settings with particular reference to chemsex. GHN hopes this signals a widening of resource provision for services attempting to bridge the gap between sexual, mental and addiction health. 


In addition, GHN also welcomes the commitment to strengthen early harm reduction responses to current and emerging trends and patterns of drug use. Specific reference is made to the GHB/GBL harm reduction campaign, a joint partnership of GHN, GMHS,, HIV Ireland & Gay Switchboard Ireland as an example of successfully highlighting drug use patterns and issues among high-risk groups. 


GHN is pleased to see chemsex included as a topic for consideration as part of a working group examining the evidence base for early harm reduction responses to current and emerging trends. The establishment of the working group is also a strategic action to be achieved between 2017 and 2020.