Developing the Man2Man Programme:

Since 2010, GHN (about us)  has worked in partnership with the HSE on the only National HIV Prevention and Sexual Health Awareness Programme for MSM   This website was developed by and is administered by GHN in conjunction with the Health Services Executive (HSE), Sexual Health and Crisis Pregnancy Programme (SHCPP). It is available in four languages: English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.  The website is vital to the promotion and work of GHN and our partners, the SHCPP, and is aligned with their website sexual wellbeing as the primary go-to places in Ireland for information on sexual health.


The activities of GHN and the programme/campaign are aligned with the aims of the National Sexual Health Strategy (NSHS) 2015 to 2020 “to improve sexual health and wellbeing”, and “to reduce negative sexual health outcomes” amongst men who have sex with men (MSM). MSM are cited in the NSHS as an at-risk and vulnerable group “at increased risk of STIs and HIV”.


Over the years we have continually built on the achievements of the programme, to promote consistent and sustained HIV and STI prevention messages among MSM in Ireland.  The partnership focuses agreed strategic objectives with funding provided to GHN on a year to year basis. The outline of strategic objectives are as follows;

• National promotion and continuous development of

• Promote social inclusion and increase access to information for harder to reach groups through social, print and broadcast media.

• Respond to emerging trends, in consultation with key stakeholders, by developing targeted and tailored HIV and STI prevention initiatives


GHN liaises closely with the following: the LGBTQI community and groups, commercial social venues, HIV/Sexual Health Organisations and Services, national and local representatives from STI/GUM services and the HSE’s Public Health and Health and Well Being Departments and the Health Protection Surveillance Committee (HPSC). GHN has a key involvement in many committees and working groups looking at PrEP, HIV Testing, Outreach, and worked on the ‘Action Plan in Response to the National Increase in HIV and STIs among MSM in Ireland’.


GHN has provided other approaches; Research, Personal Development Programmes, Annual Health Forum and many publications and campaigns: An outline of achievements in the area of communications based on research, outbreaks, and community demands are as follows:

Social Media, Online and Community Promotions uses social media sites with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and also targeted promotions on hook-up sites.  

Advertisements in Gay Community News (GCN) and special community events

The poster displays at LGBTI, social venues and sex on-site venues (Saunas and Cinemas)

Visual Displays/Videos of campaigns above at PRIDE events around Ireland and Film Festival (GAZE).   See annual reports here

Research & Evaluation

Up to date epidemiology and service uptake analysis, as well as community demands and other research findings are vital to the development of a communications strategy for GHN.

Awareness of popular platforms and ways to access knowledge.  Between 2000 and 2019 GHN has led and contributed to all the research among MSM both in Ireland and Europe: Vital Statistics, Real Lives, EMIS 2010, MISE 2015 and EMIS 2017 and published Community Reports. See details here

There are also internal evaluations of digital promotions via SHCPP engaged agency.



Publications: (2017) HIV+Sex Booklet, (2009) Living with HIV and SEX Booklet,

(2008) LUV Bug Cards; 4 Steps to Immunity on Hepatitis B, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Chlamydia, LGV, PEP and HIV Testing, (2005) Luv Bugs Booklet, (2004) In The Know (HIV Testing),

(2007 and 1997) Play Safe Play Sexy Booklets, (1995) Hot Healthy and Horney


Produced (2008-2011) 16 Newsletters ‘On The One Road


Condom and Lube Packs: Since 2015 GHN has used the National Condom Distribution with printed directly on the condom and lube sachets.  These are made available in social venues from dispensers with banners promoting Previously GHN designed and filled condom & lube packs such as (2011) ‘Man2Man’, (2000) ‘Get It On’ (1995)‘Rubber Up’ 


Campaigns: (2020) COVID-19 on ‘Restriction of STI, HIV and PrEP Services’ and information on ‘COVID-19 and Sex for MSM’ in conjunction with the SHCPP.  (2018) Relaunch of the newly designed website in 4 key languages *2018-2019) ‘Syphilis on The Rise’, ‘Get Your Bits Out’, ‘Foreign Bodies’ and ‘PrEP’.  (2017) ‘HIV Laid Bare’  #getthethebarefacts,  (2014) ‘It’s Hard Its Easy’,  (2011) Man2Man x 4 messages; (Images and Videos) Protect Yourself, Get Tested, Support Each Other, Always Use Condoms, and Translating Man2man, (2010) ‘Get It’: ‘On’, ‘Involved’, ‘Tested’, ‘Support’, ‘Knowledge’,  ‘Involved’, (2008) ‘Don’t Risk It- Rubber Up’

GHN-2014 Poster Presentation
GHN-2013 Poster Presentation HSE Conference
GRID to Quare Sex by Mick Quinlan GHN to Cultural Memory and HIV-AIDS Conference DCU Nov 2019