Gay Health Forum

Gay Health Forum 2024

Friday 23 August 9.00am – 3.40pm
Hibernia Conference Centre,
Dublin Castle,
D02 V8R2

The Annual Gay Health Forum (GHF 24)

Friday 23 August 9.00am – 3.40pm

Hibernia Conference Centre
Dublin Castle
D02 V8R2



The Gay Health Forum is an annual conference focusing on the sexual health and well-being of gay, bisexual and  Men who have sex with Men (gbMSM).  Coordinated annually by the Gay Health Network (GHN), the Gay Men’s Health Service (GMHS) and various partners, the forum is celebrating its 21st edition this year. This year our partners include BelongTo, LGBT Ireland and Men’s Aid.


The Gay Health Forum provides an important platform for presentations from up-to-date research, surveillance, policy, and clinical information, from those involved with, and working in, the area of HIV and sexual health in Ireland and internationally. Importantly, the forum presents an opportunity for the community of MSM to engage with service providers and policymakers in advancing the sexual health and wellbeing of gbMSM.


Conference Programme

Time Content Involved/Speaking/Presenting
9:00am-9:30am Registration
9:30am-9:40am Welcome and plan for the morning Chairperson Alan Coyne (GHN)
9.40am-9:50am Recorded address from the Minister of State for Public Health and Well-Being and National Drug Strategy Colm Burke & GHN response Minister of State Colm Burke
Chairperson Alan Coyne (GHN)
Morning Session Chair David Field (Gay Men’s Health Service)


Clinical update from Prof. Fiona Lyons – HSE Clinical Lead for Sexual Health

Doxy PEP Panel Discussion

Prof. Fiona Lyons – Consultant GUM and Clinical Lead Sexual Health & Crisis Pregnancy

Prof. Fiona Lyons; Dr John Gilmore; Aaron O’Sullivan and Adam Shanley

10:40am-10:50am Q & A
10:50am-11:00am GMHS Data Jessica Ennis (Gay Men’s Health Service)
11:00am-11:10am HPSC Update Martha Neary (Health Protection Surveillance Centre)
11:10am-11:20am Man2Man Campaigns Pádraig Burke (GHN)
11:20am-11:40am Coffee Break Coffee/Networking/Posters
11:40am-11.50am LGBT Integration Strategy Shadow Report Pádraig Rice (LGBT Ireland)
11:50am-12.00pm MPower Report Adam Shanley (HIV Ireland)
12:00pm-12.10pm BeLonGTo LGBT Sexual Health Kelsey Doyle (BeLonGTo)
12:10pm-12:20pm Community Casework Hannah Kelly (Outhouse)
12:20PM-12:30PM RISE: Redefining Institutional Stigma Education – a step towards stigma-free healthcare for people living with HIV in Ireland Ellen Conlon (Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland)
12:30PM-12:40PM Scoping Review of LGBTQI+ Health Research Dr John Gilmore
12:40PM-12:50PM Putting LGBTQI+ into Relationships and Sexuality Education in Ireland Lorraine O’Connell (Sexual Health West)
12:50pm-1:00pm Q&A All Participants
  Chair Peter Keogh (GHN)
Trans healthcare in Ireland Jes Black
1:40pm-1:50pm The Cass Report should not be Ireland’s model of care Sibéal Coll (Trans Healthcare Action)
1:50pm-2:00pm Update on institutional violence against trans and nonbinary people in medical settings – ILGA-Europe funded Daire Dempsey (Transgender Equality Network Ireland)
Expert Session
Models of Trans Healthcare
Dr Beth McElrea
2:30pm-2:45pm Keynote Panel Q&A All participants
2:45pm-2:55pm Inter Partner Violence (IPV)PV and Coercive Control Derek Byrne (Mensaid)
2:55pm-3:05pm Chemsex: and IPV Graham Ryall (Rialto Community Drug Team)
3:05pm-3:15pm Q&A All participants
3:15pm-3:25pm Presentation on foundations & history of GHN Peter Keogh, GHN
3:25pm-3:40pm Exhibition presentation: ‘Out of the strong came forth sweetness’ (aka The 30 Project) Brian Teeling
3:40pm-3:55pm Closing remarks, thank yous and feedback forms Paul O’Connell (GHN)

GHF24 is free to attend.  Places are limited and are assigned on a first registered basis. It is advised to register as soon as possible. For all enquiries email